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Accurate, timely, & automated SKU-level
profitability – at your fingertips
Get a comprehensive view of each SKU's profitability, enabling better-informed marketing
and pricing decisions for improved business performance.
Ditch the unit economics spreadsheets
Pull data from multiple sources and automatically see all your product costs in one place, down to the individual SKU level. 
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Make more informed pricing and discounting decisions
With all of your SKU-level cost information in one place, make timely and accurate pricing and discounting decisions which won’t hurt your bottom line.
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Customizable costs delivering you the most flexibility
Add costs to specific SKUs to account for missing expenses or allocate costs across multiple products, enabling a comprehensive view of profitability.
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Simulated future planning
Octup AI simulates how price or cost changes for a specific SKU impact its profit over time, enabling data-driven decision testing across various scenarios.
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Join the hundreds of brands around the world using Octup to grow their business
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